Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set PRO M

Original price was: 1183,60 лв..Текущата цена е: 1113,00 лв..



Beyerdynamic TG Drum Set PRO M


The Beyerdynamic TG Drum Microphone Set PRO M is a drum microphone set, featuring “Plug & Play” mics, with easy mounting tom clips, and includes a clamp and case. The TG Drum Sets offer high-performance drum microphones from the Touring Gear series. The TG PRO Medium set includes a durable soft bag which can be equipped with four TG D35d (toms and snare), two TG I53c (overheads), and one TG D50d (bass drum). Microphone clamps are included. These naturally sounding condenser microphones enable simple and easy micing of the whole drum kit, with easy mounting of tom clips enables for nearly any drum rim.

The main features of the Beyerdynamic TG Drum Microphone Set PRO M include:

  • “Plug and Play” Microphones
  • Perfect For Beginners
  • Easy Mounting of Tomclips on Nearly Every Drum Rim
  • Naturally Sounding Condenser Microphones
  • Simple & Easy Micing of the Whole Drum Kit
  • Microphone Clamp
  • Integrated pre Amplifiers TG Drum Set PRO Assortment:1x TG D50d (bass drum, dynamic, cardioid); 4x TG D35d (snare drum, dynamic. supercardioid); 2x TG I53c (overheads, condenser, cardioid); 1x M Bag Drum (durable soft carrying case)




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